Thursday, 30 August 2007

Why it is not happening?

Again I have witnessed the same repetition at the eIndia2007 telecentre forum in August — the exact repetition year after at the same hall. Only the difference was, while majority continuously question about telecentre sustainability, some smiling faces (though very few) started demonstrating their models, which are heading in the direction of sustainability.

But the others were not convinced. Why? Because the question is so complex!

Following are some factors — reasons — that we have found in our research that contribute to this complexity. (The list is not exhaustive).

Social (ground/community level):

  • No economic motivation
  • Social ethos
  • Leadership deficiencies


  • No market
  • No sufficient economic research data
  • No sufficient marketable services and products
  • No seed capital


  • No vision
  • Administrative or management deficiencies
  • No entrepreneurial skills and capacity
  • Institutional politics


  • No conducive national policy environment
  • Existing legal systems not supportive

As we continue our research we will elaborate on these reasons. In the meantime, you are most welcome to add to, edit, or refine this list.

Mission 6K - Sustainability mission of Drishtee

They regard themselves as a Profit making company with a Social mission. The mega milestones they reached just over a 7 year period, convince that they deliver the talk.Drishtee started with just 3 kiosks in 2001. By 2007 they serves over 1650 Kiosks, all are operating in rural pockets, as franchises. The most impressive is their ability to reach financial milestones well before their intended time lines.'Mission - 6K' was the first milestone. Drishtee recognizing the importance of their kiosks operators sustainability as the top priority, they set the target by 2006 to reach every Drishtee Kiosk to earn minimum of 6000Rs (Indian), per month. This figure was recognized as the minimum financial gain to meet the kiosk sustainability. They reached the milestone 1 year in advance.This success channelled into Company's overall economic performances. Drishtee expected to reach the break even point by 2006, which they reached one year ahead once again.One uniqueness in Drishtee approach is their dedication to produce telecentre centric services. The broad array includes eGovernance, Matrimonial services, online marketting of village products, banking, insurance packages, mobile topup, health services etc. etc.This success written in the broad, dedicated approach they make to develop such products. Following is the chain of steps they meticulously follow before introducing a product:
Need assessment > demand assessment (how many people are going to use) > mapping of current alternative systems or existing systems > pilot testing > search for partners to expand > role out.Drishtee provide a lot of hopes into the Service dry telecentre landscape..! .....